Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Realized one thing that I should have known it.

It began as two exam results, Analisis real and Aljabar abstrak.
Should i give some introduction?? Maybe you guys want to know what is it Anreal an abstrak actually..
Okay, For some people that doesn't like math, especially for they who doesnt care the world of sets of number, type of number and another their neighbour, dont ever met this lessons. But maybe, you get Mr Endang for the lecturer of Anreal, you can still have a hope :) 
(He is really like his wife, Mrs Kankan. they both are a good lecturers. And I think that they are represent a soulmate :) )

Thanks god, i got A for anreal and C for abstract. Don't think iam crazy because iam happy to get C for abstract. For your information, in my class just 1 student got A for abstract and 2 students got B for abstract. I was grateful not get D. Huuuuuft :P
So i sent message to my mom to call me. I really want give this half good-half bad news. And because of my moms activity as a manager at the company where he worked, she finally called me at 15.00 wib. And unfortunately, her reactions didnt like what i expeting. And so did my father too. 
After some hours sleeping,  I realized one thing that I should have known it. 
Someone who should most very happy for the success that I achieved is myself.
A success that I achieved will be my world. Not someone else.
And i have to understand that maybe iam not only what my parents thingking about to. I must have been very grateful for the prayers and the facilities they provided.
Thanks Allah, Thanks Bunda dan Ayah :) 

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