Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Oh My..

It is my favorite. Maybe because it is so touch full. Maybe will make you ask him/her with a painful effect.



Day 4: Crash and Burn

by ste

I cleaned the house today. The entire house. I swept and mopped the house. I wiped the kitchen counters and tables. I washed and changed the sheets. I even vacuumed the couch and carpet.
Guess what I found?
I found that missing puzzle piece of that puzzle we did before. The one with a picture of a black dog with white background. The one I got last christmas from my secret santa.
Remember how we spent 2 weeks working on it and realized that we’ve lost a piece. We got so upset and I decided to toss the whole thing to the bin. You even considered to burn it.
I found that missing piece today, and I thought, is this what had happened with us? We lost a piece somewhere from our puzzle and it looked ugly and we just decided to just throw everything away?
Will we find the missing piece if we had tried to look harder?
But I guess it was really the end for us. Because falling out love happens when you stop making efforts. And we did. We’ve stopped making efforts. With the puzzle back then and with this relationship now.

So, I burnt that one last piece.
- Me

Taken from:

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

sholeh / sholehah is enough

Menurut saya pribadi, sholeh / sholehah itu adalah 1 kata yang lengkap.
Cukuplah 1 kata ini menjadi kriteria pasangan mu :)

Seorang laki laki sholeh, sudah tentu ia pintar. Karena islam mengajarkan umatnya untuk selalu belajar dan mengamalkan ilmunya.
Seorang laki laki sholeh, sudah tentu bisa menyenangkan hati dan membahagiakan keluarganya. Karena islam sudah mengatur jelas apa saja yang menjadi kewajiban seorang laki laki.

Seorang wanita sholehah, sudah tentu ia pintar. Karena dialah yang menjadi sekolah pertama bagi putra putrinya kelak.
Seorang wanita sholehah, sudah tentu akan menjadi 'orang dibelakang layar' paling utama bagi kesuksesan keluarganya, karena kepatuhan, doa dan sikap-sikapnya.

Kalimat 'sudah tentu' memang tidak bisa saya jamin, karena kesempurnaan hanyalah milik Allah SWT. Namun hendaknya kalimat 'sudah tentu' tersebut menjadi acuan bagi seseorang untuk menjadi hamba yang dicintaiNya. :)

#Ayo puasanya lebih semangat lagi :D#